Cr@zyFoXXe’s Info

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The “About Me” section terrifies me, but here it goes:

I am a 25 year old wife, and mother of a four year old.  I have a dog, 2 fish, and 2 sugar gliders (doesn’t every All-American family have them?!)  For as long as I could remember, I have been an avid reader and writer.  I received my B.A. in English/Education, with a minor in Psychology.  I have self-published a book of poetry, written a yet-to-be-published children’s book, and am now working on my very first novel.  After writing my senior thesis, (which was honored with an award by my university) I realized that my love for literature and psychology could co-exist harmoniously, and the inspiration for my very first blog materialized.

I have never been the girl to follow the rules, per se, but I don’t break them either.  I bend them.  I push buttons.  I DEFINITELY speak my mind.  Maybe it is because I’m not exactly “normal” , (is it my IBS? OCD? Agoraphobic anxiety? Bi-polar? OK, maybe it’s because I’m a little crazy) but I find it amusing to psychoanalyze anything and everything.  Flipping dichotomies is entertaining.  Getting people to think differently (or in some cases, think at all) is enjoyable.  Engaging people in a subject they wouldn’t have been interested in otherwise drives my passion.  Again, all the more reason I wanted to create a blog about books that wasn’t just another “book reviews” site.

Hopefully my PsychoBabble is inspiring, or at the very least, enjoyable.  This is one small step for blogging, one giant leap for a Cr@zy FoXXe (and all constructive criticism and/or ideas are welcomed and appreciated)!!!

What did you think? Let me know here!