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I’m not going to write too much today. I had a very exciting day, and honestly I am drained. But, I promised to write Tuesdays, and although later than usual, I felt obligated to post.
I woke up to my two valentine’s in my bed, and received candy, a kettle (so needed!) and a custom coffee mug with my favorite picture of my daughter, mom, and myself. But, under the guise of a visit to a friend’s aunt, I took a trip to a shelter in Yonkers, New York. I wanted to surprise my husband (and daughter) with a new dog. Jasmine (our 14 year old chow/shepard mix) helped me pick her out. I am proud to say, I took home a sweet mixed-breed puppy!



The adoption process was easy, and affordable, and I encourage any a one who is thinking about getting a dog to save a dog, and adopt from a shelter.
I will post again soon. The latest is only a week away… I don’t plan on breaking that promise to myself, or those of you who do read these posts, anytime soon!
Until I write again- *Peace, Love, and Positive Energy!*~ Cr@zyFoXXe